This year I was fortunate enough to get a little face time with José González the owner of the oldest restaurant in the world, Botin (, located in Madrid, Spain. This year the city will be hosting the world renowned Davis Cup Tennis tournament ( in association with Kosmos Tennis ( so I was sent by Get Lost Travel Magazine to discover all the best this city has to offer, which Botin definitely is one. Read all about it in the upcoming issue at or discover more unique travel experiences at my blog – Buen Provecho!

The story …

If you cut through Plaza Mayor in Madrid you will find yourself on Cava de San Miguels, a street frozen in time with ancient little tapas and wine bars that patrons bubble out over onto the street at night. Here I gently sailed through the cheerful crowds and arrive at Sobrin de Botin (, which happens to be the oldest restaurant in the world (, in service for nearly 500 years continually. I however wasn’t there for the spectacle of it’s pedigree, I was there for the succling pig.

I’m met at the door by a man electrified, José González, one of the proud custodians of this national treasure. “You will leave this place a different man! A ruined man!” he says with a finger shaking audaciously toward heaven, “our succulent pig is the best in the world. Period.” Along the wall of the kitchen, handing in neat little rows like freshly caught perch, perfect Iberic pigs wait to be placed gently in a clay dish to be roasted and basted in a continually burning 500 year old wood oven, until they become the color of Dulce de Leche and twice as sweet. I sit at a white linen covered tabled washed in the effervescent bubble of chatter from a room full of happy, hungry patrons. Before I know it I am served the most succulent pig I have ever had, crispy skin wrapping tender morsels that are a gift to your taste buds. My host was quite right; I have been ruined by this meal, and can easily see why they have stayed in business longer than some religions.